Krita art
Krita art

krita art

You will probably want to turn your sketch to a brighter value.

krita art

If you want a better visibility of your final line-art, while inking over your sketch , Note: this technic works with any preset. Now, you can draw, press numpad 'divide' key on your keyboard to switch to eraser, draw again. When you open your artwork, select an eraser preset then select directly your inking preset. This key toggle switch between your previously selected preset, and your actual one. The fastest way to switch is probably with the numpad 'divide' key on your keyboard. When you start inking you'll probably need to switch often between an eraser preset and a ink preset. Hi, my name is David Revoy and welcome to this video about lineart tips or inking tips with Krita 2.9. Text version for those who can't hear or turn up the volume : Intro The theme was voted by my Patreon heros who support the creation of open tutorials Thanks again their support ! I hope you'll like it and I'm open to crits and comments to improve the next ones. A new video tutorial about Line-art tips in Krita.

Krita art